
Ian the Great

In the Kingdom of Torra, in the land of Scotland, there lived a young man named Ian. Ian lived in a small town called Knox.Where he worked hard as a blacksmith, producing shoes for the King's horses. Ian also made the swords for the King's knights. Everyday Ian worked harder and harder. He wanted to be so much more then just the towns blacksmith. Ian wanted to be Great, he wanted the town folk to see him as he saw himself. Ian was a very young man, merally in his 20's. He was quite handsome though, with his brown wavy hair that rested along his shoulders. He was of average built for such a young man. It was odd that no young lady was wooing over him.

When Ian was done with his work for the day, he would go behind his shop to practice fencing. In the beginning Ian would practice with the wind, as though an enemy were standing there. After a few weeks of hiting nothing but wind. Ian asked his father to make him a barrel so he could hit something. Ian's father was a cooper so he had no problem making a barrel for his son. Ian practiced this way for many a years, hoping to one day be called "Ian the Great".

Word got around town that Ian wanted to become something of greatness. Once the town folk got word of this; they would pass Ian in the streets with mockery on their lips. "I want to be great, I want to be better then our King", "Ha, that boy is such a fool. To think he could be of greatness". But, Ian never faltered when the towns folk laughed at him. He just stood tall and said "laugh now, one day when your land is in danger, you will be calling for me to save you." This just caused the crowd to laugh even more. Ian took non of it to heart. He just continued to practice and build up his strength.

One day Ian was shoeing the King's horses in the King's stables. They were the largest stables Ian had ever been in. There were all types of horses in the King's stable. Ian looked at the horse he was finished shoeing. It was the most beautful Highland horse he had ever seen. The Highland was cream and stood as though it knew it was of royalty. Ian moved on to the next horse in the stall beside the Highland. This horse was the King's Favorite horse of all his horses. It was a Fjord, a gift from the country of Norway. The Fjord was tan with a brown and blonde mane. This horse too was Ian's favorite. While shoeing the Fjord he over heard the knights speaking of a war. Ian knew better then to be eavesdroping, but, he couldn't stop himself. Ian leaned in to hear better, but continued shoe the horse. "The Kingdom of Seamus is speaking of war on Torra. Our King tells us to get ready, for this is our time to show all Kingdoms far and wide that we are Torra!!" Ian finished his work shoeing the last of the King's horses. Ian then headed back to his shop for the day.

Ian couldn't forget what the knights had spoke of in the stables. So, to ready himself for the coming days to show the town folk he would be great. He practiced and trained himself harder then ever before. Ian knew that he would need a good horse to get him to the battle. He knew just the place to go to get a good horse. But, it was getting late and the sun was setting, Ian needed his sleep. So, Ian plained for tomorrow before going to bed. Ian laid down on his bed that was made of wood from the Red Forest outside of the Kingdom. The matress was made from hay that grew in the fields outside of the Kingdom's gates.

The next morning Ian went to his father, who was the towns Cooper. He was the one to go to when you needed a barrle to store your weat or other items in. Ian spoke with his father of the coming matter and asked him for a horse. Ian's father told him to stay out of things. "You're going to get yourself killed by the King for eavesdroping." Ian's father shouted at Ian. He knew that his son wasn't hearing any of which he spoke. But, to please his son, Ian's father gave him a horse. It was the best working horse he had. Ian knowing this thanked his father and told him. "One day father, I will be great and you will be proud of me." Ian then took the horse and went out into the Red Forest to learn to ride and fight. Ian continued this till the day came when the war was to start.

That morning the air stood still and the only sound that could be heard was the hustling of the horses and armor. The knights were getting ready for battle. Ian hurried so he to would be ready to go. Ian had made himself and his horse armor, so Ian begain to dress his horse and himself for battle. The knights started headed out for battle, ready to defend their Kingdom. Ian had already set out for the forrest so that he could join in. In the forest Ian rode following the knights as they made their way onward. When they got to Seamus the kights knew what they came to do. They prepard themselves for defeat and for loss. The battle begain. The Knights of Torra were out numbered by 10,000 but, that did not stop them. They knew what their job was and they did as they were told. Ian rode into the battle fighting as if he to were a knight. There were bodies laying all around were Ian falt. The smell of war was in the air, but Ian never backed down. He was there to prove he was great. Ian along with a hand full of Torra knights finished off the Seamus knights and won the battle.

They all set out for home, after clearning the field by burning the bodies of the fallen. This was done to prevent diease from the dead or dieing. The knights and Ian set out to go back to their families and bring news to the King of their defeat. When the party returned home, there were people lined in the streets of Knox. As the knights and Ian rode in; the towns folk threw flowers at their horses feet. Praising them for saving their Kingdom.

The knights rode up to the castle to tell the King of the good news. Ian rode back to his fathers house to tell him he was ok. While at the castle the knights told the King of Ian and his bravery in battle. The King ordered that Ian be brought to him at once. The knights set out into the town to find Ian. They checked his blacksmith shop and no-one was there. They then went to Ian's fathers house. There they found Ian in celibration with his family. "The King wants to see you at once." said a knight. Ian looked as though in shock, was he going to be killed for what he had done? Ian huged his family and said his goodbyes as though they might be his last. The knights brought Ian to the King. Once in the castle the knights took Ian to the hall where the King was waiting.

"My boy" said the King. "Is this I hear from my knights that you rode into battle to definde your Kingdom true?" the King asked Ian. "Yes my lord it is" Ian said in a very weary voice. "What bravery you do possess my boy. To ride with Torra knights and fight as though you are one." "They tell me of how you fought to help them in a time of need. So by this, what may I ask would you ask for. As a gift from the Kingdom?" The King said in a soft but yet sturn matter. "I have always dreamed to be known as Ian the Great, my lord." Ian said with a bow. "That is it?" asked the King. "Then it shall be, from this day forward this young brave man shall be known as none other then IAN THE GREAT!!" 
Copywritten: April 12, 2007

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