
A Fairy's Dream

Lily was a very bright but, yet very mischief little fairy. She lived in the Red Forest outside of Care View Valley. She loved her home; it was nestled back in the forest by a little stream. Lily always loved going to the stream to skip along the river stones and splash about. After playing in the stream, she would climb atop a mushroom growing on a fallen tree next to the stream, and look into the water as it flowed pass her. The sun would peak through the leaves of the maple trees. The rays would shine down on Lily's red hair; causing it to glow. Oh, how she loved to come and sit atop the mushrooms. Lily could set there for days, but what kind of adventure would that be? 

Lily always knew better then to go where Humans could see her. But, as I said before... Lily is very mischievous. Lily would fly through the forest; pass the maples where she played. Pass the birch, pines, and willows. She followed the stream through the forest to where it ended in a nearby lake. Oh, what fun she had, and intrusting things she saw at this lake. 

As Lily got closer to the lake she started to slow her speed; as not to get caught. She hides in the cat-tails to get a better look around, oh, the sites and sounds. She loved coming here to see the sun glisten upon the still lake. The bugs skipping across the water and the fish jumping up to catch them. The sounds of the blue jay singing his songs in an old birch tree just by the water side. There was a rope tied to a branch on the tree for the towns folk to swing from. If they didn't feel like swinging they could jump in off the peer that led into the lake. What better place to come to, then here Lily thought?

While Lily was taking in the views, she saw a red truck pull up. There were three children on the back shouting and having fun. "Can we go in now, Papa?" she heard them ask a tall slender man. "Yes" she heard him say to the three children. They looked to be about the ages of 6, 8, and 10. One looking to be 6 was a boy with short strait brown hair, like the man they called Papa. The other was a girl with long brown hair, braided on both sides like piggy tails; she looked to be about 8. The oldest looking one was a boy, he had short curly black hair. 

All three of the kids took turns swinging from the rope on the tree. "Yippee... “Lily heard them shouting, as they each swung over the brown clam water, letting go of the rope to make a big splash.” What fun that does look like" Lily would say, just wishing that she could do the same. But, Lily knew she could never be human. All she could do was dream of what life would be like.

"Oh, if only I could swing from a rope and fall into the cool water of the lake, what fun that would be." For Lily knew that if she would ever try it, she would be eaten just like the bugs skipping on the lakes surface. Lily knew it was about noon for the sun was high. The sky was a light blue with only a few clouds to break up the suns rays on the ground. So Lily ventured off away from the lake to find some other adventure she could get herself into.

Chapter 2

Lily flew through the Red Forest to a clearing by some old maple trees. It seemed as if the forest opened up to reveal a hidden treasure. It was a meadow, so full of life and wonder. Lily slowed her flying; she could see all types of woodland creatures now. Lily saw a family of deer grazing on some grass in the meadow. How cute the little baby deer was with its little white dots along its tan back. Lily watched as the deer played with one another. Lily looked up as she heard feathers in motion. It was a pack of geese passing by over head. Squawk, squawk, she heard them say, as if they were talking to her. 

Lily decided to fly through the meadow. She figured if she needed to hide, she could find a hiding place real fast. For the grass in the meadow was quite high; and anything could hide in it. So, Lily ventured off into the meadow. As she flew through the tall grass, she could hear the bees buzzing around her, getting the pollen from the daises. Lily saw all kinds of wonderful things around her. Like the ladybugs eating the grass. The butterflies flying from flower to flower, getting the nectar, the caterpillars spinning their cocoons so that they could transform into beautiful vibrant butterflies. "This is the most excitement I've ever had" Lily said as she flew through the tall grass.

Lily noticed the sun starting to get lower in the sky. She knew that whatever adventure she was going to have today would have to happen soon. For her mother didn't like her out after the sun set. So Lily wondered around to see what she could find in the mist of the meadow. "What beautiful colors and mixtures of flowers, such sweet scents" Lily said. On the edge of the meadow by the forests' edge was Jasmine and Honeysuckle; claming up the trees as though to reach the sky. The scents traveled through the meadow as though it were its own breeze. The sweet fragrance of blossoming Jasmine; sweep across Lily as though it was dancing around her. The creaminess of the Honeysuckle sweep through the breeze as though to be calling out to Lily. 

Lily continued in search of an adventure in the tall grasses of the meadow. "What is this, why is the grass getting shorter?" Lily asked herself. As she continued to fly the grass continued to get shorter. Then Lily heard something. "Jingle, jangle, click, click, slurp, slurp.” “What is that, making that noise?" Lily grew scared. She darted into a Wine Cup wildflower next to where she was. For this was the perfect hiding spot. The red in the flower matched Lily's red hair, so if she needed to hide she could. 

Lily decided to hide in the wildflower till the noise stopped. She thought it would only last for a few minutes, but it lasted hours. By the time it was starting to stop the sun was just about down. Lily had to hurry home, "I'll be back bright and early tomorrow morning" Lily said. Lily darted away to get home in time.

Chapter 3

Morning came faster then usual for Lily. She hurried to get out the door of her house, which sat in a big maple tree. The door made of leaves and twigs. "Be careful" her mom said as Lily darted outside "I will!" Lily shouted back. She was so excited to see what she had to leave last night. "I hope it's still there", Lily said as she flew through the branches of the trees in the Red Forrest. Lily finally reached the opening in between the old maple trees. The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon. There was a light fog on the ground and musk smell in the air. 

Lily slowed her speed as she had done the day before. Following the same path that she took before, to find out whatever made that sound. She got closer then she had the day before. Still feeling as though she needed cover, Lily darted back and forth from wine cup to wine cup. Getting closer to the noise each time. Again she heard "jingle, jangle, click, click", but no slurp, slurp. This time it was "giggle, giggle". What could cause that sound, Lily thought to her self. Just as she was thinking that she peeked over a pedal of the wine cup. 

There sat a basket with a little human in it. It looked to be a little girl. She had rosy red cheeks, curly gold locks, and soft blue eyes. She was covered with white and yellow blankets. Her dressings were barely showing through the tops of the blankets. She was wearing a white gown with lace along the neck and wrist. She was holding something in her little left hand. It looked homemade. Every time she would shake her hand it would jingle, jangle. Then she would hit the side of the basket she laid in with it and it would go click, click. Then the little human would giggle, giggle. 

"What are you doing out here alone?" Lily asked. The little human just looked at Lily and giggled, with drool coming down her chin. What do I do with this little human? I can't carry her, she's too big. Lily thought. "I know! I'll go tell mama and see what she says" Lily said. So Lily told the little human she'd be back. Lily then set off for home. 

Once Lily reached the maple tree she called home she ran inside. "Mama!" Lily shouted hurrying through the door. "Yes, my dear?" her mom asked. "I need your help mama" Lily said. "What with Lily?" her mom asked. Lily than began to tell her mom about the adventure she found herself on yesterday and having to continue today. Then she started to get into the part where she found a little human. “I need your help with how to save this little human” Lily told her mom. Lily’s mom didn’t know what to say, she sat down with Lily and began to talk to her. “Lily, my girl, what do you think we could possible do to save this human? I mean we are fairies. We’re not very big, and no-one knows we even exist. Which, we as fairies plan to continue; we do not want the humans coming into our forest and our home. The last time that happened we almost lost everything. Lily you have to promise me that you will stay away from the little human you found.” “Ok mama” Lily said, “No Lily you have to promise me” her mom said again in a stern tone. “Ok mama, I promise.” Lily said, with one hand behind her back with her fingers crossed. “Ok then” her mom said in return.

Chapter 4

After Lily talked to her mother about the little human, Lily want to go and find someone else who would help her. “I’m going to go to play with some friends down by the stream” Lily said to her mother. “Ok, but Lily you are not to go help the little human. I don’t want you to get into trouble that you can’t get out of” Lily’s mom said to Lily as she was heading out the door of their maple tree home. “Ok, mama…” Lily shouted on the way out. But, Lily couldn’t help herself. She tried to go to the stream like she had told her mother she was. But, Lily just couldn’t get that little human out of her head. So Lily thought that if she went back to where she found the little human; that she could figure something out to help it. So Lily did just that, she headed back to the meadow where she found the basket with the little human in it. But this time, the little human was not alone. 

There was a slender female with blonde hair that was curly, like the little human setting in the basket. The female had fair skin with rosy red cheeks. Her cheeks stood out like pink roses on her face. Her eyes were as blue as the sky itself. Lily was in such aw of what the female looked like, that she forgot to hide as she did before. As soon as the thought of hiding came to Lily’s mind it was too late. The female had already seen her, and was stunned by what she saw. The female had heard stories of fairies from the town folk where she grew up. But, she had never seen one before, for herself. She was so shocked she just stood still as a rock. Then a thought crossed the female’s mind. “I know how I can make people believe me that fairies exist. I’ll take this little fair and show her to everyone. This is the best thing I could have ever found.”

Copywritten: Oct. 30, 2007 / Finished: April 21, 2009

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