
Christmas break from CC

We had our Christmas Party with our Classical Conversations co-op group and it was a blast! The kids were super excited since the party meant they could see their friends. Mommy was happy because I got some girl friend time with the other mommies. It is so funny how we have lived in this area for 6 years and never really made close friends. At least that was till we joined CC and since our family has blossomed. We recently changed churches and our kids have taken a HUGE liking to it also. Their disability ministry is by far the best in this area. They even hold a prom like dance for the kids and adults.

But I'm getting a little off topic here, sorry tend to do that from time to time.. Now back to CC and homeschooling.

Like I mentioned before in another post, we decided to try out a new way of homeschooling this year. It is our Kindergarten year and the things we and I really mean "WE" are learning is just mind blowing. There are things that I really do not remember from my 12 years in public school.

CC has taken my approach to teaching and learning to a whole new level. We do hand motions, sing, play music, draw, dance, play games all while learning about "1803 the purchase of Louisiana from France prompted westward explorations...." And this can be told to you by my, at the time we learned it, 2 year old. 

CC takes a classical approach to learning and helps children to retain what they have learned. Their songs are super catchy and get stuck in your head. Trust me, you will find yourself doing dishes or laundry and break out singing the History sentence of the week.

If you haven't heard of Classical Conversations look it up!! There are a great number of videos on YouTube to watch. It is a lot to grasp at first glance. I'd suggest if there are any communities in your area check them out. They have days where you and your children can sit in on the classes to see what it is all about. 

We have a few new families who will be starting when we come back from our month long Christmas break. Yep, a whole month.

We still do our review of weeks 1-12 and our regular math and language arts.  But this little break is a happy and sad time in our home. Happy because we don't have to much to do in this hectic time of year, sad because we miss going every week to see our friends.

This break is causing me to get better at planing play date though.. 

I pray everyone has a Blessed Christmas and if you celebrate any other holidays have a Happy and Merry one...

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