Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts



Christmas 2013
Hi! Welcome to my page, I hope you find some inspiration in these pages and come back for more.

To start us off, my name is Heather Jarnagan; people who know me, mostly call me Lizzy’s Mom.

We are a Homeschooling family and loving every minute of it. There are all kinds of reasons that lead me to choose the homeschooling path, and many are connected to my oldest daughter Lizzy. Homeschooling was introduced to me from a friend, who later introduced me to Classical Conversations.

Christmas 2014
Lizzy who I keep going on and on about is my oldest daughter (5 yrs), then I have my son Tony (3 yrs), and then my youngest daughter Anna (8 months). My title “Lizzy’s Mom” was given to me by everyone we meet, simply because Lizzy is such a rock star!! People are always interested in her story and it really sticks with people.

I have also been known for my many talents. I see myself as a Jake of all trades, Master of none type person.. I have a certificate in Master Gardening from Purdue University, certificate in Massage Therapy from Bryman College, I have done jewelry making with beads and wirework, I have fiddled with mini-clay sculpting, a little photography and photoshop designing, and some short story writings. I am always bouncing around from one crafty type thing to the next, but I always return to some more than others.

Something else about myself is that I am a born again Christian. I grew up in church, I’m the Great Grand Daughter, and Grand Daughter, and Daughter to some very awesome Preachers/Ministers. I feel that God will use whoever will allow him as his Hands, Feet, and Mouth. Each of us have a purpose in life and it is up to us to find that. May it be here in the states serving each other through God’s word. Or out in the world on mission trips in the field giving the message God has for His people. Which ever it may be, it is up to us to walk alongside Christ and know His Word and to live it and spread it. I have had the honor of writing 2 different sermons that I feel God placed on my heart. These sermons were written in the middle of the night from being woke and not being able to fall asleep till they were written out.